Munich, 5 2022
In the series of Sperity’s podcasts called ‘Product Passport Pioneers’, we are proud to see again a key player of the Battery Pass project who got recently interviewed by Dr. Susanne Guth-Orlowski (Chief Innovation & Solutions Officer at Spherity). One of our Battery Pass team members and specialists, Dr. Johannes Simböck, was invited to give insights on the status of the project and what role acatech (Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, also known as the German National Academy of Science and Engineering), being one of the ten consortium members, is playing, with Johannes working there as a team lead.
In fact, acatech has been one of the first organizations in Germany to investigate digital product passport requirements and activities, and qualified to hold a key role in this project funded by the German Government of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
In this podcast, Dr. Simböck gives answers to such important question as if the available legal text and resources were precise enough to build the battery passport from it, or what the advantages were to opt for a decentralized approach.
Tune in to learn from Johannes’ views and to find out more about his policy recommendations.